Blog Blue Colors Soft Autumnm Basics

Soft Autumn Blue – A Deep Dive

I’ve had numerous friends on Instagram write me about their struggles with certain soft autumn colors, and I’d have to say that blue is the number one color that alludes us soft autumns! This surprised me since I’ve personally found blue to be an easier color for me to pull off. But, we’re all different, and our colors aren’t one size fits all. However, some of the problem may be that you just haven’t found the right blue. Let’s look at four shades that are great ones to try if you’re on the hunt for a good soft autumn blue!


This jeans-inspired color is the epitome of universality. The first photo is a chambray colored shirt with a small hint of yellow in it. It’s almost like a super faded teal. The second photo is a classic chambray that has the look of denim. Both of these tops match with every possible known soft autumn color – you could wear them with any colored bottom or layered under sweaters or cardigans. It doesn’t get much more versatile than that!

And while we’re speaking of denim, let’s look at good denim colors for our palette. I’m modeling three different “levels of intensity” here. The top photo is a good, medium denim. This is my go-to color. It matches the medium intensity for the soft autumn palette and doesn’t steal the show. Notice how much bolder and attention-grabbing the light and dark washes are. Medium wash is our sweet spot.


Is teal a bluish-green? Or is it a greenish-blue? It’s both! It all comes down to the ratios of the two colors in it. For this purpose, I’m not going to discriminate between the two. Teal is teal, and I’m calling it a blue today. Take a look at the various shades below. I’ve included a very bright blue to demonstrate the soft nature of our blues. We want teals that run that ragged edge of being green, and we don’t want any semblance of anything bright!


The quintessential blue. Every season has their version of it, and ours is (you guessed it): soft, warm, and medium. Look for a navy that leans a little yellow or even purple. We don’t want anything too dark or overly saturated. If it could be confused with black, then it’s definitely NOT our navy.

Slate Blue

Think of a stormy cloud – blue mixed with a bit of gray. This is our slate blue. Sometimes our slate can have a purple tone as well. This color can get too cool in a hurry, but there is a slate blue out there that has enough warmth to suit us well. When compared next to teal, you can really see the “purple” nature of this color.

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